A guy crashes a live television show and asking about Grand Theft Auto 6

A guy crashes a live television show and asking about Grand Theft Auto 6.

“What I'm wondering is, where the hell is GTA 6? I've been waiting for GTA 6 for eight years!

A live edition of the German TV show Beat the Star was recently disrupted when a young guy stormed onto the stage and demanded information about Grand Theft Auto 6 from a host who has nothing to do with Grand Theft Auto.

As PC Gamer translates, the guy barges into a chat with presenter Alexander Duszat and reality TV star Evelyn Burdecki, asking, "Where the heck is GTA 6?" I've been waiting for GTA 6 for eight years!”

We've all done it, my man, but come on. He then asks Duszat to look into the camera and also inquire where GTA6 is, to which the host responds, "No I don't have to do that, I haven't even finished GTA 5 yet."

#SarcasticGamer #SarcasticReview

SOURCE: Kotaku

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