Belo excuses for 'insensitive, disturbing' advertising

Belo excuses for 'insensitive, disturbing' advertising The Belo Medical Group apologized for its recent publication after the network was drawn.

The Belo Medical Group apologized for its recent publication after the network was drawn.

“We apologize about our recent Pandemic Effect film. Thank you for being gracious in letting us know your thoughts about it,” - stated the Belo Medical Group in a statement.
Belo excuses for 'insensitive, disturbing' advertising The Belo Medical Group apologized for its recent publication after the network was drawn.
“We hear you. You helped us see what we failed to see, which is that the film is insensitive and upsetting. Because of this, we have taken the ad down,” it added as it vowed to learn from this experience, “and to bring our learnings into the future.”
A lady with black bags under their eyes, face, body hair, acne, and obesity graded while she was watching news of the COVID-19 pandemic in her "Pandemic Effect."

"Tough time demands good measures" Belo said at the end of the commercial.

Nina Ellaine Dizon-Cabrera has taken her announcement concerns over Twitter.

Cabrera told Belo: "This epidemic is not, Dra. It is the standards of beauty of society and the ways in which capitalists use our anxieties. It looks that our fatness is a sickness and may be cured by your clinic."

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