Physical Education and Health: Rhythmic Activities

Physical Education and Health: Rhythmic Activities This course will discuss various examples of rhythmic activities. Rhythmic activities are series of movements in which individuals can take part during any steady and prominent beat. Professionals use these activities as therapeutic treatments for those who suffer from dementia. In performing arts, rhythmic activities are the timing of events on a human scale involving both the silence and musical notes in the musical accompaniment.

Physical Education and Health: Rhythmic Activities
This course will discuss various examples of rhythmic activities. Rhythmic activities are series of movements in which individuals can take part during any steady and prominent beat. Professionals use these activities as therapeutic treatments for those who suffer from dementia. In performing arts, rhythmic activities are the timing of events on a human scale involving both the silence and musical notes in the musical accompaniment.

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Ratul Roy said...

Someone had said it truly there is more to what meets the eye and this blog encapsulates that there is more to physical fitness, there are hidden rhythms that if followed can lead to therapeutic results we would also like to mention that physical and mental well being is important and martial arts is a great alternative especially during this pandemic, therefore, we at MAE(Martial Arts Extreme) have come up with this online martial arts training course that can help you become a professional right from your living room. Come let's work together towards this healing journey of the body and mind.

Faysal said...

Someone had said it truly there is more to what meets the eye and this blog encapsulates that there is more to physical fitness
, there are hidden rhythms that if followed can lead to therapeutic results we would also like to mention that physical and mental well being is important and martial arts is a great
alternative especially during this pandemic