My Defi Pet Farm Planting Computation

My Defi Pet Farm Planting Computation Which Vegetable / Crop is ideal to plant in My Defi Pet?

Which Vegetable / Crop is ideal to plant in My Defi Pet?

Ever wondering what is the ideal to plant in My Defi Pet, based on the Silver cost of planting, Food that it gives, Time or how long you have to wait before harvesting, and how much Experience you gain.

Use this Computation Table to know which Crop or Vegetable is suitable for you

Our Advice, based on the test we made, The more Ideal Crop / Vegetable is still Corn, next it Wheat. Only if you have time to grind, meaning you have more time in front of the game and to monitor when to harvest.

But if you want to leave the screen and be back for a longer time, Carrot or Strawberry is the best choice or simply the higher cost is the best.

#SarcasticGamer #SarcasticReview

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