Final Fantasy Characters in Resident Evil Remakes

Final Fantasy Characters in Resident Evil Remakes

You will surely going to love this MODS

Resident Evil 2 Remake x Final Fantasy ★ THE MOVIE / FULL STORY 【Cloud, Aerith & Tifa Mods / 4K60】
You are watching my Resident Evil 2 Remake x Final Fantasy THE MOVIE featuring the full game's cutscenes and story relevant gameplay parts edited into a movie format. This special crossover edition features Final Fantasy character mods such as Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa from Final Fantasy 7 Remake as Leon, Claire, and Ada. This movie is captured on PC with 4K 60FPS resolution. The entire movie also contains zero HUD to provide you with the most cinematic experience. I hope you enjoy my special crossover movie of Resident Evil 2 Remake x Final Fantasy!

► Credit: Mods created by Wiwilz / Darkness Valtier / Marcos RC

Resident Evil 3 Remake x Final Fantasy ★ THE MOVIE / FULL STORY 【Lightning x Noctis Mods / 4K60】
You are watching my Resident Evil 3 Remake x Final Fantasy THE MOVIE featuring the full game's cutscenes and story relevant gameplay parts edited into a movie format. This special crossover edition features Final Fantasy character mods such as Lightning (FF13) as Jill and Noctis (FF15) as Carlos. This movie is captured on PC with 4K 60FPS resolution. The entire movie also contains zero HUD to provide you with the most cinematic experience. I hope you enjoy my special crossover movie of Resident Evil 3 Remake x Final Fantasy!

► Credit: Mods created by Darkness Valtier / Wiwilz / Marcos RC

Many of these mods are private commissioned mods so please do not ask for download link. I commissioned these mods for the purpose of creating this project.

#SarcasticGamer #SarcasticReview

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