Readings in Philippine History

Readings in Philippine History The course analyzes Philippine history from multiple perspectives through the lens of selected primary sources coming from various disciplines and of different genres. Students are given opportunities to analyze the author’s background and main arguments, compare different point of view, identity biases and examine the evidences presented in the document. The discussions will tackle traditional topics in history and other interdisciplinary themes that will deepen and broaden their understanding of Philippine political, economic, cultural, social, scientific and religious history. Priority is given to primary materials that could help students develop their analytical and communication skills. The end goal is to develop the historical and critical consciousness of the students so that they will become versatile, articulate, broad-minded, morally upright and responsible citizens.

Readings in Philippine History
The course analyzes Philippine history from multiple perspectives through the lens of selected primary sources coming from various disciplines and of different genres. Students are given opportunities to analyze the author’s background and main arguments, compare different point of view, identity biases and examine the evidences presented in the document. The discussions will tackle traditional topics in history and other interdisciplinary themes that will deepen and broaden their understanding of Philippine political, economic, cultural, social, scientific and religious history. Priority is given to primary materials that could help students develop their analytical and communication skills. The end goal is to develop the historical and critical consciousness of the students so that they will become versatile, articulate, broad-minded, morally upright and responsible citizens.

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