Accounting Research Methods

Accounting Research Methods The accounting theory and research approaches theoretical aspects of the Accounting on the one hand and on the other prepare the students for making their research project. Specifically this course is focusing on : history and the evolution of accounting theory and practice, understanding of the important accounting theories and the relation between accounting and other social sciences, critical thinking, inductive and deductive approach, empirical research principles, normative, semantically and positive approach in accounting research, Research methods in Accounting.

Accounting Research Methods
The accounting theory and research approaches theoretical aspects of the Accounting on the one hand and on the other prepare the students for making their research project. Specifically this course is focusing on : history and the evolution of accounting theory and practice, understanding of the important accounting theories and the relation between accounting and other social sciences, critical thinking, inductive and deductive approach, empirical research principles, normative, semantically and positive approach in accounting research, Research methods in Accounting.

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