Project Management and Quality Systems

Project Management and Quality Systems This course is designed to introduce and explore the basic concepts and practices of project management and help students understand how to plan and manage IS projects successfully. Throughout the course, students will be asked to utilize course concepts, methodologies, and tools while utilizing technology applications and addressing real-world problems. Students will learn the skills necessary to define project scope, create workable project plans, and manage projects with quality, budget, and schedule in mind. The course is structured around the key phases of project lifecycle, including initiating a project, developing project plans, executing and managing a project, and closing out a project. In addition, students will be taught how to identify and address the change management and political issues associated with project management.  Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are to completing this course, the student  be able to:  CO1. Explain the principles and methodologies of project management;  CO2. Use a network diagram to display a Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) chart;  CO3. use the Critical Path Method (CPM) in the network diagram to ensure the correct IT project duration;

Project Management and Quality Systems
This course is designed to introduce and explore the basic concepts and practices of project management and help students understand how to plan and manage IS projects successfully. Throughout the course, students will be asked to utilize course concepts, methodologies, and tools while utilizing technology applications and addressing real-world problems. Students will learn the skills necessary to define project scope, create workable project plans, and manage projects with quality, budget, and schedule in mind. The course is structured around the key phases of project lifecycle, including initiating a project, developing project plans, executing and managing a project, and closing out a project. In addition, students will be taught how to identify and address the change management and political issues associated with project management.

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