China confirms that Corona Virus could be Airborne

Image result for coronavirus transmission airborne

Corona Virus could transmit with these transmission mode

According to Chinese Experts, Corona Virus or 2019 Novel Corona Virus that spreads nowadays could be transmitted with 3 different modes.

1. Direct Transmission
Image result for contact Transmission

There are two types of contact transmission: direct and indirect. Direct contact transmission occurs when there is physical contact between an infected person and a susceptible person. Indirect contact transmission occurs when there is no direct human-to-human contact.

2. Contact Transmission
There are two types of contact transmission: direct and indirect. Direct contact transmission occurs when there is physical contact between an infected person and a susceptible person. Indirect contact transmission occurs when there is no direct human-to-human contact.

3. Aerosol Transmission
Image result for Direct Transmission

As larger droplets are pulled to the ground by gravity quickly, droplet transmission requires close physical proximity between infected and susceptible individuals, whereas aerosolized transmission can occur over larger distances and does not necessarily require that infected and susceptible individuals are at the same location at the same time

Aerosol transmission refers to the mixing of the virus with droplets in the air to form aerosols, which causes infection after inhalation, according to medical experts,” said Zeng Qun, deputy head of the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau.

SOURCE: China Daily

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