If someone on your friends-list annoyed you every time they post in Facebook, do this instead.
In Facebook, you can see on your wall every time someone on your friends list posted on their walls, but if they are like promoting something, or just happy that there are new posts on their walls, or maybe they are just answering the question "What's on your mind?" appears on their walls.
We know that you too are annoyed about this, so immediately you thinking of unfriending that friend of yours, to not get notified and have a flooded wall. but think of what they feel when they saw that you were friends for a long time, and suddenly when they saw your account, they saw the "Add Friend" button.
So instead of Unfriending them, why won't you just Unfollow them, if the your goal is not to see their post. Same results for you, and they won't notice it.
Here is what you should do:
When you unfollow someone, you won't see their posts in your News Feed, but you'll still be friends with them.
To unfollow a person, Page or group:
Click account settings in the top-right corner of Facebook
Select News Feed Preferences
Click Unfollow people to hide their posts
Select a person, Page or group
To unfollow a person, Page or group from your News Feed:
Click Story Options on the top right of their story
Select Unfollow
To unfollow a person, Page or group directly:
Go to the profile, Page or group you want to unfollow
Hover over Following (on a profile or Page) or click Joined (in a group) near their cover photo
Select Unfollow
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