Hearthstone turns that will last 43 hours

Mamytwink attempt to do a world record for Longest Hearthstone turn ever, to do this he sets of making chain reactions of attacks that will took over 40 hours

The Player, is playing as a Mage, has 7pcs of Prophet Velens, and each of it has a double number of arcane missiles, buffed each card with attack boost, to start, he played 9 arcane missile in 1 turn and with the Prophet Valens and its buffs, it took 28,752 missiles (258,768 points of damage intotal). if the computation and conditions are right it should be around 43 hours of animation of attacking with missiles to complete.

Here is the Computation

Yes, Mamytwin's opponent uses a Ice Block, a Epic Mage spell card that when a Hero takes a fatal damage, this card will prevent it and became immune that entire turn

Here is the animated GIF of the attack(s)