Stop Rinsing Your Pasta!

Stop Rinsing Your Pasta!

You’re really just washing off those natural starches that are coming out of the pasta from the cooking, and that’s such an integral part of pulling the sauce together
If you're a fan of pasta, you've probably heard the advice to rinse it after cooking. But did you know that rinsing your pasta can actually make it less delicious? In this blog post, we'll explain why you should stop rinsing your pasta (most of the time), and give you some tips for cooking pasta that's perfect every time.

Why Rinsing Pasta Is a Mistake

The starch on the pasta is what helps the sauce cling to it. When you rinse your pasta, you're washing away that starch, which means your sauce won't stick as well. This can lead to a pasta dish that's dry and bland.
“You’re really just washing off those natural starches that are coming out of the pasta from the cooking, and that’s such an integral part of pulling the sauce together” Adler said.
In addition, rinsing your pasta can stop it from cooking evenly. If you're not careful, your pasta may end up being overcooked on the outside and undercooked on the inside.

When to Rinse Pasta

There are a few cases where you might want to rinse your pasta after cooking:
  • If you're making a cold pasta dish, such as pasta salad, rinsing the pasta can help to prevent it from sticking together.
  • If you're making a baked pasta dish, such as lasagna, rinsing the pasta can help to stop the cooking process so that it doesn't become overcooked in the oven.
  • If you're using a very thick sauce, such as a cream sauce, rinsing the pasta can help to prevent the sauce from becoming too heavy.

Tips for Cooking Perfect Pasta

Here are a few tips for cooking perfect pasta every time:
  • Use plenty of water. The water should be at least four times the volume of the pasta.
  • Add salt to the water. This will help to season the pasta and prevent it from sticking together.
  • Bring the water to a rolling boil before adding the pasta.
  • Cook the pasta according to the package directions. Be sure to stir the pasta occasionally so that it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pot.
  • Reserve some of the pasta cooking water before draining. This water can be added to the sauce to help it thicken and cling to the pasta better.

So next time you're cooking pasta, resist the urge to rinse it. By following the tips above, you can cook pasta that's delicious and perfectly cooked every time.


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