How to Get Rid of Your Unwanted Tote Bags

The holiday season is the ideal time to get rid of your reusable bag collection
The holidays are a time for giving to others, but it's also a time to give to yourself—that is, freedom from your never-ending pile of reusable totes. The problem is that no one else wants more totes, so you must be sneaky-sweet about it. The ideal option is to include it as part of a larger, more generous gift.

I began gifting totes because I needed additional packaging material for the Christmas cookie tins that I was mailing to friends and family. I was running low on paper bags when I came upon my bag of bags. Perhaps you have one of these as well: a reusable tote bag full of reusable tote bags. I have favorites, but the others merely take up room. Some of them may even be attractive and solid, but they are seldom utilized. However, it turns out that they actually keep cookie tins from sliding about. They looked like part of the box and offered a buffer while being tossed around when neatly folded or packed around the main item. Use them to assist in the shipping of any Christmas packages this year, hopefully to a more loving home. If the recipient decides to throw it away, they are the monster who despises the environment, not you. While this is most convincing with "nice" looking reusable bags, it can also be done with shoddy corner store bags. I'm clearly not here to pass judgment.

If you still have extra bags, use them to bundle items for holiday gatherings. Take advantage of any holiday parties, work potlucks, or New Year's Eve events you attend in the coming weeks. Bring the wine, booze, food contributions, a bag of ice, or whatever you want, and put it in a tote you despise. The same is true if you're traveling with gifts to meet family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Fill those large Ikea bags with all of the wrapped goodies. When you arrive at the party, gently give your donation to the host. Instead of pulling out the contents, simply hand over the entire bag. Don't worry, party hosts: You can also get rid of your extra totes. Use them to package leftovers for guests to take home. Your inebriated pals (and sober drivers) will appreciate it.

Do you usually deliver cookies or cakes to your neighbors to spread holiday cheer? You already know what to do. Wrap a ribbon over the handles of any tote to add a touch of class. Tie a gift tag around the handles to increase the value even further. Writing the host's name on it completes the transaction. That is now your tote bag, pal! You should be able to shake your Christmas tote weight with some consistency by January 1. Then you can start the new year with just a few of your favorite reusable bags to tide you over until you need 10-20 more, at which point the (re)cycle begins again.


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