What to Do If the Police Come to Your House

It's a bad day if a swarm of cops shows up at your door unannounced. Here's how to keep it from getting worse
Everyone knows what a police raid is, but until recently, most of us probably assumed raids were something only the wealthy and powerful had to worry about. However, as we've seen, even former presidents' private residences can be raided by law enforcement.

Most of us have considered what to do if a police officer requests to search your vehicle because we've all been pulled over and know how dangerous the situation can be. You may have also considered what to do if the police arrive with a warrant and demand to search your home, as we've seen on television.

A raid, on the other hand, is a little different, because it's all about surprise. The cops arrive unexpectedly and use that surprise to ensure that you don't have time to dispose of evidence, flee out the back door, or make other plans. A police raid is by definition a frantic, chaotic experience, especially if it is a "no-knock" raid like the one that resulted in Breonna Taylor's death. So, before you have to react to an extremely stressful situation, think about how you'd handle a police raid in your home.

Kindly ask to see the warrant

What to Do If the Police Come to Your House
If the cops are in your house, there's nothing you can do about it. You can, however, request to see the warrant authorizing their presence. This may help you figure out why the cops are in your house, but keep two things in mind:

The police do not always require a warrant; in certain circumstances, they may enter your home without one. If they don't have a warrant, just make a note of it.

Never agree to a search. In fact, it's best not to consent to anything and, if pressed, to deny consent. Again, the cops are already on the scene and believe the raid is justified, but they try to obtain consent on the record to bolster a weaker case.

Nothing should be said

What to Do If the Police Come to Your House
While you're not consenting to anything, you should also avoid saying anything. You are not required to answer questions or assist in any way. You should contact your lawyer if you have one (or hire one if you don't), but otherwise, say nothing. Anything you say while the cops are in your house could be used against you later.

The cops are also skilled at creating questions that are impossible to correctly answer. When an officer pulls you over while you're driving and asks if you know how fast you were going, saying "no" eliminates any defense you might have to fight a speeding ticket, whereas saying "yes" potentially admits to the crime. Similarly phrased questions can be used to elicit your consent or confession, so it's best not to answer any questions until an attorney is present to protect you.

Collect data

You are permitted to observe and document the search of your property. Some police officers may object, and they may threaten to take your camera or phone, but you have every right to film them. And doing so makes it easier to gather as much information as possible, such as the officers' names and badge numbers, their behavior while on your property, and the items they take.

Don't meddle

When your home is being raided, whether there is a warrant or not, the best thing to do is to let it happen. Do not obstruct, interfere with, or harass officers by calling them names. Again, and I can't emphasize this enough, once the armed, angry people in uniform are in your house, they're in charge for the time being. Try not to stop them from removing anything from the premises, no matter how important it is to you—you will be arrested.

If your property is damaged as a result of the raid, thoroughly document it. Make a list of everything that was taken away by police, as well as any names and badge numbers you were able to record. Do it correctly while everything is still fresh in your mind, and then contact a lawyer if you haven't already.

Police raids are designed to catch you off guard, and there's not much you can do at the time. However, once they are completed, the work of defending yourself against any charges and reclaiming any seized property begins. Following the raid, you can also address any rights violations or inappropriate police behavior. In short, if the raid was illegal or improperly conducted, the time to level those accusations is after the police have left your property. It is entirely up to you whether you then issue a rambling statement about the raid on social media.

#PoliceRaid #HouseRaid

SOURCE: lifehacker

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