Business Policy with Total Quality Management

Business Policy with Total Quality Management Total Quality Management or TQM is one of the keys to successful modern organizations. Engaging in the provision of goods and services, quality control is more than just the responsibility of production department; the modern view is that quality control and management are responsibility of everybody in the organization. An organization will survive if it creates and retains well satisfied customers. The course Total Quality Management(TQM) focuses on the scientific approach for management and even employees to understand the importance of continuous improvement processes underlying the production of goods and services.

Business Policy with Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management or TQM is one of the keys to successful modern organizations. Engaging in the provision of goods and services, quality control is more than just the responsibility of production department; the modern view is that quality control and management are responsibility of everybody in the organization. An organization will survive if it creates and retains well satisfied customers. The course Total Quality Management(TQM) focuses on the scientific approach for management and even employees to understand the importance of continuous improvement processes underlying the production of goods and services.

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