National Service Training Program 1

National Service Training Program 1 NSTP1 covers topics through big sessions in campus that will tap on the students’ enthusiasm and idealism for nation-building, leadership and civic involvement. Combining active reflection in a creative dynamic learning environment, it prepares the students into actual community service in NSTP 2.

National Service Training Program 1
NSTP1 covers topics through big sessions in campus that will tap on the students’ enthusiasm and idealism for nation-building, leadership and civic involvement. Combining active reflection in a creative dynamic learning environment, it prepares the students into actual community service in NSTP 2.

#SarcasticGamer #SarcasticReview

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Anonymous said...

A small scale ecosystem, such as pond, is an example of

Anonymous said...

National election in the Philippines happens every ________ years

Anonymous said...

A small scale ecosystem, such as pond, is an example of

Anonymous said...

A type of ecosystem management that encourages the establishment of goals that will benefit the environment while keeping socioeconomic and politically relevant issues in mind.

Anonymous said...

The change in global and regional patterns of climate.

Anonymous said...

A type of ecosystem management that focuses on maintaining the greatest amount of ecological integrity.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is affected by climate change.

Anonymous said...

All of the following will help in alleviating climate change EXCEPT:

Anonymous said...

Ecosystem management should maintain ecosystem appropriate condition to achieve desired social benefits.

Anonymous said...

There are more trees today in the Philippines than hundred years ago.

Anonymous said...

An area that includes all of the living things interacting with one another with their non-living environment is called

Anonymous said...

A type of ecosystem biome that has very high temperature, little vegetative cover, less cloud and very low humidity is called