Export Marketing (Elective 4)

Export Marketing (Elective 4) This course offers a real and practical vision of International Marketing. The basic marketing concepts are explored (the 4 P’s, segmentation, the marketing plan, etc.) as they are applied to international trade. The course analyses how the image of a particular country may influence its exports. Practical case studies and simulations are extensively used as the student advances in the development of an Export Market Entry Strategy implementation plan.
Export Marketing (Elective 4)
This course offers a real and practical vision of International Marketing. The basic marketing concepts are explored (the 4 P’s, segmentation, the marketing plan, etc.) as they are applied to international trade. The course analyses how the image of a particular country may influence its exports. Practical case studies and simulations are extensively used as the student advances in the development of an Export Market Entry Strategy implementation plan.

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