He created a LEGO version of a New Pip-Boy equipped with a fully working screen
A YouTuber, LEGOParadise is known for his magnificent creation from LEGO bricks, but now he creates a LEGO version of Fallout 76's Pip-Boy 2000 MK VI.
Complete with compartment, Telephone Cord, Dial Knob, and a Screen Monitor that actually displays, and navigate.
"My custom designed life-size, wearable Lego Pip-Boy 2000 MK VI. It includes a holotape player & calender, working screen, Geiger counter, light-up vacuum tubes and a radio!"
Fortunately, he uploaded a sort of LEGO Pip-Boy 2000 MK VI - Build Breakdown
He also have built a the following Fallout related things in LEGO:
Lego Fallout 4 Airship - The Prydwen
Lego Fallout 4 The Sole Survivor (with power armor)
Lego Fallout 4 Nuka-Cola Machine
Fallout 76 is an online multiplayer action role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It is the ninth game in the Fallout series and serves as a narrative prequel to the series.
Source: LEGOParadise